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Unlock the power of Copernicus’ data for a secure, sustainable raw materials industry

The Copernicus Hub provides access to complete, free and open access data from all Sentinel satellites with new features for visualization and data processing in various fields. Innovative breakthroughs using Copernicus data are a key tool in the enhancement of geological research and mineral exploration, mine safety, and environmental sustainability within the raw materials sector.

RawMatCop is currently the only, online course in Europe providing training in how to apply the Copernicus satellite’s earth observation data to the raw materials sector.

You will have the unique opportunity to apply the Copernicus open data to real problems in mineral exploration and mining operations including safety, environmental compliance, and more. Experts in Earth Observation will train you in how to apply this data for the improvement of critical raw materials issues such as:

Securing the primary and secondary mineral and material resources needed to transition to a sustainable and circular economy.
Monitoring environmental impact and increasing safety.
This all contributes to a more sustainable supply of mineral resources.

Please consult the website for full course details and all offerings.

Apply Now! Summer School 2024
Application period has ended
Studies commence
19 Jun 2024
Apply Now! Summer School 2024
Application period has ended
Studies commence
9 Sept 2024
Apply Now! Summer School 2024
This is a rolling intake - applications are accepted all year round.
Studies commence
1 Jun 2024
Apply Now! Summer School 2024
Application period has ended
Studies commence
19 Jun 2024
Apply Now! Summer School 2024
Application period has ended
Studies commence
9 Sept 2024
Apply Now! Summer School 2024
This is a rolling intake - applications are accepted all year round.
Studies commence
1 Jun 2024